Trebah Garden, near Falmouth, Cornwall is the source of inspiration for Rowena Ardern's latest exhibition 'Natural Interioers'. Working from her many drawings and photos Rowena has produced a series of lively and colourful designs for use on fabrics, furniture and ceramics. Her collection can be seen at the Visitors Centre in Trebah Garden until 2nd October 2011. http://www.trebahgarden.co.uk/
Bit too far for me to travel to see Rowena's exhibition at the moment but I have seen some of the work during the making and it is indeed like a breath of fresh air. She has a sensitive approach to drawing which is beautifully translated with stitch and colour showing a natural empathy with plant life. Please leave a comment if you manage to see the exhibition. Jen
To see further work by Rowena Ardern please follow the link to her website http://www.rowenaardern/.com