How often do you try and draw what you hear; isolating sound from its' usual function of reinforcing what is seen? To further our own personal experience and knowledge of 'Water', the chosen theme for our next exhibition, we took on the challenge! Simply, it was a mark making exercise, an immediate response to a series of sounds generated by agitating water and listening to music inspired by the sea. It was a fun session and as can be seen from the images, we accumulated quite a pile of expressive marks!
Bridget organised an on going collaborative piece where we added collage to change a surface. Over the next few weeks we will continue adding and working into it; the aim is to enjoy the process and not produce a finished piece!
We are almost into the last week of our exhibition 'Mark in Stitch' at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. Buxton is a Spa Town set in the beautiful Peak District, visiting the exhibition would make a lovely day out!
Mark in Stitch ends Saturday 12th November 2011
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