25 July 2013

Chelsea Physic Garden

A wonderful little oasis in the middle of busy London. 

Chelsea Physic Garden was founded in 1673 by the Society of Apothecaries and is one of Europe's oldest botanic gardens. Deceptively small but beautifully laid out with all sorts of interesting plants and they are labelled! There is so much for the gardener, historian, artist, photographer and those who just want to enjoy the peace and tranquillity. The garden's old world charm is reflected in the cafe, both in how it presents and serves the food as well as the delicious cakes!

On the line of food I would like to thank Shosh for her hospitality and a fabulous lunch on Tuesday!  We all had a lovely time and have suggested she put together a recipe book!!  Summer holidays until September but no doubt we will all be busy; does an artist ever take a break???

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