19 January 2014

Grayson Perry, The Vanity of Small Differences

Grayson Perry

The Vanity of Small Differences

Manchester Art Gallery

ends 2nd February 2014

Wish I could post some images form this exhibition but copyright prevents me from doing so, however many will have seen the TV documentaries on Chananel 4 'All in the Best Possible Taste with Grayson Perry'  From his investigations into social class and how taste defines the classes, Perry gathered enough visual images to design 6 fabulous tapestries.  They were woven in Belgium.

The tapestries based on Hogarth's 'A Rake's Progress' are full of symbolism and colour making them a delight on different levels.  There are references to religious paintings and do try and spot the hidden logo in each one.  The interactive Ipads support the thought processes and if you have 45 minutes to spare at the end, the  programme is worth a watch.  It made me realise how carefully Perry had observed daily life. 

An important social comment which must be treasured!                               Jen

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic tapestries. Looking at them feels like Grayson Perry is talking to you. Fabulous and a lot going on in the exhibition.
